Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It's a rainy day and I can't go out and play. Who needs the rain anyway?

This is a rain song that my children and I would sing when we were cooped up and going stir crazy. I don't know if I made it up or if it is off of Sesame Street or some such show. We would all sing the line and then someone would say an answer like "the trees." Then we would all sing the line again. Of course the fun in this was to try to come up with new and unique answers like "the earthworm." I know, you are thinking 'the earthworm' is unique? Yes it is, when the captive player is 5.

I have been singing this song a lot this week. I am no longer feeling blessed by all those things that need the rain. They and their precious rain are starting to get on my nerves!

Then tonight the sky cleared and I saw a hint of blue-- right before the sun went down.
I am dreaming of tomorrow and planting Zinnia seeds on my hillside for the forth time! I have become the Johnny Appleseed of Zinnias. If you are between Dallas and Houston and see Zinnias growing along the creek beds, I, the rain and my barren waterlogged hillside are to thank. This month I have personally kept the Burpee seed company in business.

The sun will come up tomorrow. The weatherman on TV is being a naysayer but I have hope. I saw the blue of the sky and all is right with the world.

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